elevate care chicago north npi
The mailing address for Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 4655 W Chase Ave Lincolnwood Illinois - 60712-1605. This Chicago Illinois nursing home is not located within a hospital.
The NPI number of Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204 and was assigned on January 2020.
. The NPI number of Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1023673365 and was assigned on May 2019. The most recent health inspection of this facility was on 11-04-21 123 days ago. The NPI number of Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204 and was assigned on January 2020.
800 AM - 500 PM. 1811536204 ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC NPI 1811536204 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPS to uniquely identify a health care provider. Elevate Care Chicago North is a unknown owned nursing home.
This facility has automatic sprinkler systems in all required areas. The practitioners primary taxonomy code is 332B00000XThe provider is registered as. 6840 W Touhy Ave.
The practice location is 2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL. The NPI number of Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204. Elevate Care Chicago North is located at 2451 West Touhy Avenue Chicago IL 60645 and can be contacted via phone number 773 338-6800.
She was there for rehab and wound care. Entity Type Organization Code describing the type of health care provider that is. This facility received a 1 out of 5 overall rating on.
The most recent health inspection of this facility was on 11-04-21 123 days ago. About ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC. 13 Coronavirus Deaths Linked To West Ridge Senior Living Center.
Elevate Care Chicago North has family councils. Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is a provider established in Chicago Illinois specializing in durable medical equipment medical supplies. Elevate Care Chicago North is a Rehabilitation Specialist at 2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL 60645.
2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL 60645. Elevate Care Chicago North 2451 West Touhy Avenue Chicago IL 60645. Elevate Care North Branch Llc is registered in Niles IL and has an NPI number of 1497372866 and an enumeration data of 712020 Check Now for More Details.
The NPI number of Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204 and was assigned on January 2020. Elevate Care North Branch 6840 W Touhy Ave. The occupancy rate is 66 with 312 total beds and 207 residents.
ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC NPI 1023673365 is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System NPPES. The NPI Number for Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204. The occupancy rate is 67 percent.
ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC 4655 W CHASE AVE LINCOLNWOOD IL ZIP 60712 Phone. The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last. Elevate Care Chicago North is not located within a hospital.
Elevate Care Chicago North is the leader in shaping the future of innovative and complex health care. ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC NPI 1023673365 is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System NPPES. Elevate Care Chicago North.
ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC NPI 1811536204 is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System NPPES. 1 A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical continuous nursing and other health and social services. Elevate Care Irving Park in CHICAGO Illinois has 117 beds compared to the Illinois average of 12523 and a National average of 10616.
Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is a provider established in Chicago Illinois specializing in skilled nursing facility. Elevate Care Chicago North in CHICAGO Illinois has 312 beds compared to the Illinois average of 12523 and a National average of 10616. Elevate Care Northbrook 270 Skokie Boulevard Northbrook IL 60062.
The practice location is 2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL 60645-3309. Elevate care chicago north llc elevate care chicago north llc is a nursing home in chicago illinoisthe npi number for elevate care chicago north llc is 1023673365a nursing home also known as skilled nursing facility snf is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical continuous nursing. The current location address for Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago Illinois and the contact number is 773-338-9437 and fax number is --.
2451 West Touhy Avenue Chicago IL 60645 773 338-6800 Office Hours. This facility accepts Medicare and Medicaid. ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC NPI 1023673365 is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System NPPES.
The mailing address for Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 4655 W Chase Ave Lincolnwood Illinois - 60712-1605 mailing address contact number - 847-262-3800. This facility was first approved to provide MedicareMedicaid services 38 years ago on 1-30-84. Elevate Care Chicago North is a medicare and medicaid certified nursing home in Chicago Illinois.
The NPI Number for Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is 1811536204. 2451 West Touhy Avenue Chicago IL 60645. The provider number is 145484.
This facility was approved to provide. The practitioners primary taxonomy code is 314000000X. Elevate Care Chicago North is the leader in shaping the future of innovative and complex health care.
It is located in Cook county at 2451 West Touhy Avenue Chicago Illinois 60645You can reach out to the office of Elevate Care Chicago North via phone at 773 338-6800This skilled nursing facility has 312 federally certified beds with average occupancy rate of 6747. The practice location is 2451 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL 60645-3309. Elevate Care Chicago North Llc is a.
ELEVATE CARE CHICAGO NORTH LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1 A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical continuous nursing and other health and social services to patients who are not in an acute phase of illness requiring services in a hospital but who require primary restorative or skilled nursing services.
Elevate Care Chicago North Elevate Care
Elevate Care Chicago North Elevate Care
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